ENCYCLOPEDIAS, HANDBOOKS, DOG GROUPS ATLAS OF DOG BREEDS OF THE WORLD Wilcox & Walkowicz Over 500 breeds, 1100 full-color photos. Now in 1 volume for easier handling and increased durability. TFH-5th/1995 Order #ATLAS $89.95 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TOY DOGS Waud & Hutchings An invaluable reference for researchers in the history of toy breeds. Autographed! Order #TOYBIB $45.00 CANINE LEXICON DePrisco & Johnson The ULTIMATE dog Dictionary, illustrated. with over 1300 color photos and covering over 400 breeds, plus over 3000 dog-rel- evant topics. A must for every dog library. TFH-1986 Order #CANLEX Reg. $89.95 4M Price $74.95 CANINE SOURCE BOOK ALMOST EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT DOGS Susan Bulanda Update to Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dogs 1992-93. Virtually every category is covered in this listing of organizations, trainers, videos, com- puter bulletin boards, breed clubs and publications that involve dogs, as well as a complete listing of supply catalogs. 4th/1994 Order #CANSB SC $26.50 CELEBRATION OF RARE BREEDS, A-VOL. 1 Cathy J. Flamholtz Includes, in part, Akbash, American Bulldog, American Hairless Terrier, Anatolian Shep- herd, Argentine Dogo, Beauceron, Boykin Spaniel, Canaan, Castro Laboreiro, Dogue De Bordeaux, Dutch Shepherd, English Shepherd, Fila Brasileiro, German Pinscher, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Havanese, Hovawart, Iceland Dog, Jagd Terrier, Karelian Bear Dog, Lyi-Leo, Laekenois, Lapphund, Leon- berger, Lowchen, Maremma Abruzzese, Norwegian Buhund, Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever, Polish Owczarek Nizinny Sheepdog, Sloughi, Slovak Tchouvatch, Swedish Vallhund, Tatra Sheepdog, Telomian, Tosa. Order #CELRB1 $24.95 CELEBRATION OF RARE BREEDS, A-VOL. II Cathy J. 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Brian Plummer Debunks our tendency to regard dogs as four-footed family members, lacking the ability to speak, but with all the other qualities a human possesses, and a life cycle which assumes one year of a dog's life is equal to 7 human years. Dogs are very different, and Plummer details the physiological differences and accounts for them--and for seeming similarities by a fascinatingly informative look at the development of the dog from pre- history through the present day. 150 pp. / photos / 1995 Order #DEVELDOG $29.95 Other titles by D. Brian Plummer For additional, breed-related titles by Plummer, see Lakeland Terrier, Lurcher, and Terrier sections. FERRETS See Jack Russell Terrier for description Order #DBPFERET $34.95 HUNTERS ALL Plummer profiles 17 of the remarkable people he has encountered in his career, people with extraordinary talent at rearing, training and working animals. Order #DBPHA $27.50 THE COTTAGE AT THE END OF THE WORLD A graphic account of Plummers life after a severe coronary, when he moved a 3.5 acre home in a remote region. The story f how he lived off land and sea, catching rabbits, fishing for crabs and lobsters, sea-netting and ultimately conquering his disability in his new, desperately hard, lifestyle. Order #DBPCOTTAGE $29.95 TROG: A NOVEL A moving animal novel, as only Plummer can tell. Order #DBPTROG $27.95 DIARY OF A HUNTER See Jack Russell Terrier for description. Order #DBPDOAH $39.95 IN PURSUIT OF CONEY Order #DBPCONEY $34.95 DICTIONARY OF CANINE TERMS Order #DOCT $39.95 DOGS THE EYEWITNESS HANDBOOK David Alderton Superb full-color photos of over 300 breeds in the most complete encyclopedia and easy- to-use guide to dogs ever. 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Each breed is pictured in formal show pose and doing what he is bred to do, from retrieving game to being our loyal friends and companions. color photos / 1995 Order #IPOD $29.95 INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DOGS Order #IEOD $49.95 LEGACY OF THE DOG THE ULTIMATE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO OVER 200 BREEDS Tetsu Yamazaki 344 pp. / photos / 1995 Order #LOTD200 $45.00 Order #LOTD200SC SC $24.95 LOST HISTORY OF THE CANINE RACE Mary Elizabeth Thurston According to the author: "Canine history not only chronicles the remarkable story of a uniquely adaptable animal, but docu- ments the spiritual and emotional evolution of the human species as well. [This title] will revolutionize how we perceive man's best friend, and empower anyone who loves dogs with a new sense of wonder and appreciation. 320 pp. / 16 pp. color / 1996 Order #LHOTCR $24.95 MINI-ATLAS OF DOG BREEDS DePrisco & Johnson Over 400 breeds illustrated. and discussed. Includes information on breed standard por- trait, historical development, kennel club recognition, and character and temperament. Also includes a general care introduction written by K. V. Donnelly. 573 pp. / 500 + color illus. / TFH-1990 Order #MATLAS Reg. $35.95 4M Price $29.95 NO MORE MYTHS REAL FACTS TO ANSWER COMMON MISBELIEFS ABOUT PET PROBLEMS Stefanie Schwartz, DVM Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks? Do Cats Really Have Nine Lives? The first book of its kind to include both dogs and cats, most of the long held, conventional, wise sayings handed down through generations are exploded with the wit, wisdom and re- search of a veterinarian who specializes in pet behavior problems. An easy-to-use format separates the myths into categories such as: age, aggression, health and gender differences, creating a most useful tool for every pet owner. 256 pp. / photos / HWL-1996 Order #NOMYTH $22.95 PEDIGREE DOGS IN COLOUR Roy Hodrien Covers history, characteristics, and temperament of all BKC breeds. Gives a detailed standard, with US variations. Color illustrations of each breed. A compilation of books 1-6. 1990 Order #PDIC $75.00 Book 1-Hounds Order #PDICH SC $16.95 Book 2-Gundogs Order #PDICG SC $16.95 Book 3-Terriers Order #PDICT SC $16.95 Book 4-Utility Group Order #PDICU SC $16.95 Book 5-Working Group Order #PDICW SC $16.95 Book 6-Toy Group Order #PDICTOY SC $16.95 PROJECT BREED DIRECTORY BREED RESCUE EFFORTS AND EDUCATION RED BOOK EDITION See Animal Rescue for description Order #BREEDDIR SC $25.00 PROJECT BREED BREED RESCUE EFFORT AND EDUCATION VOLUME 1 # 1 See Animal Rescue for description Order #BREED1 SC $17.95 RARE BREED HANDBOOK Dee Gannon Written by one of the most prominent rare breed judges in the country, this book includes pictures of each breed, show and judging requirements, parent clubs, descriptions and histories, and the recognized U.S. standard for each breed. Also contains valuable information and advice on entering and showing Rare Breeds and on chairing a Rare Breed show. 346 pp. /photos / 1987 Order #RBHAND $32.95 SIMON & SCHUSTER'S GUIDE TO DOGS Elizabeth M. Schuler, ed. color photos / 1980 Order #S&SDOGS SC $13.00 TOY DOGS A COMPREHENSIVE HISTORY AND GUIDE TO MODERN DOGS Waud & Hutchins 1989 Order #TOYHIST $30.00 UNCOMMON DOG BREEDS Kathryn Braund 1977 Order #UDB $12.95 Out-of-Print, In Stock ALL ABOUT TOY DOGS Viva Leone Ricketts 1969 Order #AATOY $14.95 BOOK OF TOY DOGS, THE C. G. E. Wimhurst 1969 Order #BOTOY $12.95 CHAMPION DOGS OF THE WORLD Sir Richard Glyn 128 breeds shown in full-color photos of actual champions with an informative text about each. 1st / 1967 Order #CDOTW $34.95 EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT DOGS 1992-93 Susan Bulanda 1992 Order #EYAWTK SC $17.95 POPULAR SIGHTHOUNDS Juliette Cunliffe 1992 / UK Order #GAZPS $34.95 TOY BREEDS, THE Sheldon & Lockwood 1970 Order #TOYS&L $10.95 TOY DOGS American Kennel Club 1935 Order #TOYAKC $12.95 WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DOGS, THE Jones & Hamilton, eds. 1971 Order #WEODOG $75.00 WORKING TERRIERS MANAGEMENT AND TRAINING J. C. Jeremy Hobson HWL-1989 Order #TERW $21.95